Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth

Join the Journey


Important Update for UUCD Members and Friends: Our current minister, Jill Braithwaite has announced that she will not be renewing her contract with UUCD for the coming program year. She will be with us until July of this year, though, and wishes us all manner of blessings. You can read her statement here: MinisterJillLetter

Sunday, May 5

Worship - 10:30am

“More than One Story”
Presented by Minister Jill Braithwaite
Our May worship theme is the Gift of Pluralism. In this service we'll explore how our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition values the inclusion of a great variety of stories rather than focusing on one story. We'll also celebrate adding new stories to our congregation, as we formally welcome new members in a welcoming ceremony.

Zoom: To join on your computer or smartphone click Zoom or enter Meeting ID: 933 4611 3759 then passcode: 630505.  To join via your phone only: dial 1-646-568-7788 and enter Meeting ID  933 4611 3759, then passcode 630505. If you are from another region, find your local number.

NOTE: This Zoom link, ID number, and passcode will be in effect until the end of 2024.

Forum - 9:30am

NAMI Peer Support Program  (May’s Woven Basket Recipient).  What is peer support and how it can help people struggling with their mental health.  We will also get  an update on Hope Haven Peer Respite and some basic information on Hope Haven and NAMI Lake Superior South Shore.  Chrissy Barnard, Executive Director of NAMI Lake Superior South Shore, WI Hope Haven Peer Respite, brings her lived experience as a Certified Peer Support Specialist. Her degrees in biology and psychology and the peer work she does, gives hope to others that recovery is possible. Join us to learn more about how UUCD can support their work!  

 To join the Forum presentation on your computer or smartphone click here or enter Zoom Meeting ID: 264 122 646 then passcode: 123.  To join via your phone-only: dial 1-646-568-7788 and enter Meeting ID 264 122 646 then passcode: 123.

Woven Basket: To support our congregation's mission, please contribute to the operating fund and Woven Basket via Give. The Woven Basket recipient for May is NAMI-National Alliance for Mental Illness, Twin Ports Chapters. NAMI champions justice, dignity, and respect for all people, including family members, affected by mental illness. NAMI educates, advocates, supports and eliminates stigma to make positive changes in the mental health system, and increase public and professional understanding of mental illness. COVID increased the need for their services in our region.  https://namiduluth.org

Nominating Form (Petition for a Board of Trustees Candidate to be voted on at the June 9, 2024 Annual Meeting. Submit to Board Secretary David Broadwell at dabwell452@gmail.com or mail to UUCD office: 835 W College Street, Duluth, MN 55811 before May 15, 2024.)

Nominated for Board of Trustees 2024-2025: Blanche Ebert

I am grateful for an opportunity to serve on the Board of Trustees.  Inspired by volunteer spirit and community here at UUCD, I see service- at all levels- helping to make our Principles alive in the world. As a nurse I’ve had a variety of roles; mentoring, education, project management, and team building.  I see a spiritual component in working with patients every day.

Participating in RE, Care Team, and Nominating Committee have grown my understanding and commitment to UUCD.  Board service to me means supporting our UU family, fostering its growth, and being a good steward of resources (human and material) that sustain our faith community.

As a Board member I first want to listen carefully and understand issues.  Managing change as we search for a new minister, settle in with new staff, and explore new opportunities will be on our horizon.  


Come, come, whoever you are.

Come In. Connect with yourself, your spirit, and an inclusive community.

Begin. Embark on a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

Be with us. Together, we will be a force for good in this broken world.

We are Diverse Thinkers

We need not think alike to love alike. We are people of many beliefs and backgrounds: people with a religious background, people with none, people who believe in a God, people who don’t, and people who just let the mystery be. We seek to welcome you just as you are: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your fears and your hopes.

We Support Each Other

From infancy to old age, we support each other’s paths as we seek to live lives of integrity, compassion, commitment, and joy. We help each other learn and grow as we explore our faiths, our identities, and our world.

We Act for Justice

We have a legacy of “deeds not creeds.” Our work for a better world calls us to harness love’s power to stop oppression. From grassroots community organizing to state, national, and corporate advocacy; in protest marches, prayer vigils, and press conferences; in homeless shelters and in prisons, we are called to put our faith into action.

We Serve

Service is at the core of our faith. We are called to make a positive difference in the world. We partner with, and advocate for, people and organizations in need of support. We live our values out loud.

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Your Journey in Faith Starts Here

Are you ready to learn more? We invite you to get to know our faith community. As you explore our website and learn more about us, feel free to contact us with your questions. We look forward to meeting you and helping you find what you need.

UUCD Membership Packet.Sept 2021version

UUCD Who We Are Packet.Sept 2021